More productive time.
Better chances.

Successful pitches start with a quality preparation.

Pitchbie allows you to concentrate on delivering an inspiring brief and setting a fair pitch environment without being distracted by the organization of the pitch itself.

Why is Pitchbie an essential tool for pitch organizers?

Pitchbie provides a collection of tools to maximize the success of your pitch and do it all more efficiently.


Invite the best

Creative Hunter. Leverage historical pitch ratings and success in creative competitions to find and target the best pitch participants.

Expert Team. Involve experts in your pitch to help you make the best selection with their experience.

Save time

Reuse. Recycle. Reduce.

Default docs & settings. Optimize the Pitchbie workflow by using predefined templates, saving custom documents, or default settings for reuse.

Automated communication. Save time on standardized communication and task tracking.


Get insightful results

Rating Guide. Benchmark proposal evaluations against each other.

Analytical Dashboard. Get an excellent basis for team discussion over the results.

Feedback. Create and share final reports with one click.


As smooth as it gets.

Set up

Search contestants Define contract Invite participants Set milestones


Write a brief Define success criteria Handle administration


Track onboarding Collect proposals


Evaluate proposals Benchmark efficiently Provide feedback


Analyze results Share/collect feedback


Multiple ways to reach the best

Search contestants
Direct invitations

Do you know great creatives? Invite them directly, even if they are not in Pitchbie yet.

Or use the Creative Hunter to overview the best creatives according to their previous pitch and creative contest results.

Open slots
Open slots

Looking for fresh new ideas? Try to announce Open slots.

Creatives apply themselves after hearing about them via notifications or our social media and digital ads.

How it works?

Involve an expert

Want to increase your chances of a successful pitch? Bring in an experienced expert.

Who are Experts?

Time-saving templates

Write a brief Define criteria Handle administration

Save time with templates. In Pitchbie, you will find predefined templates for

  • Creative Brief
  • Success Criteria
  • NDA

These can be edited and saved for next time.

If you're used to a particular format, feel free to upload and use your own docs in Pitchbie.


Formalities secured

Handle administration

Since you are sharing sensitive data during the pitch, it is recommended that you include an NDA, without which the contestants cannot access the brief.

Use Pitchbie's NDA or upload your own. The tracking of legally acceptable signatures is already handled.


One-click results

Share/Collect Feedback

Pitchbie collects ratings and feedback from all evaluators and creates detailed reports. These can serve as a robust basis for team discussion over the results.

The organizer can create and share the final report with contestants with one click and thus save enormous time.

Where to start a new pitch?

Join us

Registration is free and provides the basic features you need to run pitches.
For full use of all the possibilities, check out our plans.

Sign up for free Check plans

Request demo

Book an appointment for a demo. In 1-1 session, we will walk you through all parts of the app.


Your data is in good hands

Hosted in Europe

Netherlands, EU



Our privacy policy is GDPR-compliant.


Passwords are hashed using bcrypt.

Roles and permissions

User access is managed.
