We build tools and services for the highest standards in creative pitching

Why Pitchbie?

We aim to contribute to the streamlining, professionalization, and cultivation of tenders, especially in the creative fields.

7 rules that guide our thinking about pitching.

We build Pitchbie in such a way as to promote standards that are consistent with these rules.


Pitch only when needed

Pitch is not the goal. It is a means when the client is going through a major change in the brand's future direction. We don't trigger pitches, but if they are already happening, we contribute to their progress in accordance with the highest standards.


Contestants are treated with respect

Every contestant is on equal footing. At every point in the pitch, they have the same amount and quality of information.


Information enabling decision

The minimum necessary information is known to form a fair picture of the contract being tendered.


Transparent conditions

Success criteria are given against which the evaluation team will evaluate. The weight of each criteria in the overall score is also known.


Known teams' composition

It is clear who the people in the participating teams are, what their roles are and how they influence the outcome of the pitch.


Transparent evaluation

We allow evaluators to provide maximum detail of the evaluation to maximize transparency.



Feedback is an integral part of evaluation.

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